Okay, so i would really love to know who had the great idea of changing the pvp worlds, from the UK to the USA, this update is ridiculous, its like you made the game yet know nothing about PKing, i've pked for years on osrs and ive perfected my timings with the ping available to me, the US players don't have a disadvantage, they are used to the ping in uk worlds, so why change the meta of the game you absolute idiots, this update is scuffed and now everyone has to learn how to PK all over again.. OH WAIT YOUR CHANGING IT EVERY 2 WEEKS?! this can not be allowed. you literally are breaking the game (again) if any of you clowns had any idea about how to pk, you would fully understand that timing is everything, your literally going to make it so people have to learn to pk again every 2 weeks. IF IT AINT BROKE DONT FIX IT *cough* eoc
05-Apr-2018 16:14:49