Angel instead of slating us for giving our opinions regarding these dire updates maybe work on your troll account.
Me Buck and many other vet players are fed up with these updates, maybe if the brought something original youd see a different reaction on forums, but they cant and arent able to because all there new developers came from rs3 so they just gonna keep copying rs3 stuff and then put a spin on it.
The last piece of original content which was a success was monkey madness 2 quest, the rest has failed
ZEAH = prifydiss on rs3
RAIDS =rs3 content
FOSSIL ISLAND =totally failure
They even managing to mess BA up forever so dont even tell me they know what they doing.
As 1 person said i should put my ideas to jagex we have many times they dont listen and the ones theyve done they hide that we suggested them in the first place cos they dont wanna be embarassed.
They havent been on forums today because they knew the update was as bad as its been for months and cant face the truth that loads of players are totally fed up with these updates.
ASH has been on make all for 4months now so i dread think how long they take for other proposed big updates probably 2020 at the rate they going
05-Oct-2017 17:58:02