Here's the EoC Poll results.
I definitely prefer it to the old system = 20.31%
I like it so far, but can't yet be sure = 19.14%
I don't like it = 19.62%
It's OK, but needs improvement = 14.31%
I like both the new and the old systems = 25.97%
I don't do combat, so have no opinion = 0.66%
Jagex came to the conclusion that: "
Over 80% of respondents who played the latest Evolution of Combat Beta either preferred it or had a generally positive response to it.
" Obviously that conclusion is extremely biased and ignores half of "i like both," thinks "needs improvement" is positive feedback, and ignores the uncertainty. One could just as easily gather that 80% prefer the old combat system.
So how does that relate to OSRS? OSRS's polling system is inherently biased AGAINST content going through, requiring an overwhelming majority of 75% to get passed. It's not like Jagex is asking "Do you NOT want dragon slayer 2 to come out?"[/quote] did u skip past my response about them getting busted manually maniping the numbers?
28-Sep-2017 18:56:50