Changelog: Pets will now be polled in separate questions and added questions offering a clan wars minigame chat channel and an alchemy warning.
Graphical Reworks

These items were added to the game before we had an artist to create new models and animations. The team created satisfactory graphics so that the content could be released but the graphics can now be much improved with the help of Mod Alfred.
Question: Should the odium & malediction wards be graphically reworked?
Question: Should the Occult necklace be graphically reworked?
Question: Should the Graceful outfit be graphically reworked?
Question: Should the dragon pickaxe be graphically reworked?
Question: Should the staff of the dead special attack animation be graphically reworked?
Question: Should the kraken tentacle inventory icon be graphically reworked?
Question: Should the steam battlestaff be graphically reworked?
New Pets
With the popularity of the chaos elemental pet we would like to release super-rare pet drops for other bosses. They would be dropped in addition to items (not instead of them) and would not use eggs, just like the chaos elemental pet.

As we have already changed how pet options appear to players, making them invisible to avoid any unintentional interaction, adding more pets will not disrupt anyone's gameplay. To further reduce any chance of disruption, pets will no longer be able to be taken into the Duel Arena, Clan Wars and other areas where they may have been an issue. The pets will mostly be miniature versions of the bosses themselves and will be no larger than one square in size, similar to the chaos elemental pet.
Question: Should the Godwars generals drop a very rare pet of themselves?
Question: Should the Dagganoth Kings drop a very rare pet of themselves?
Question: Should the thermonuclear smoke devil & the Kraken drop a very rare pet of themselves?
Question: Should the giant mole drop a very rare baby mole pet?
Question: Should the Kalphite Queen drop a very rare KQ pet?
Question: Should the King black dragon drop a very rare KBD pet?
Question: Should the wilderness bosses drop very rare pets of themselves?
Question: Should Scorpia drop a very rare scorpion pet?
Other Questions
We recently added a warning prompt when dropping an item with an alchemy value of 30,000 coins or more and will be adding a toggle option for this shortly. Some players have suggested a similar warning be offered when casting alchemy on high value items too.
Question: Should we add a warning when casting alchemy spells on items with an alchemy value of 30,000 coins or more. This warning can be toggled on and off.
Currently the respawn rates of NPCs and resources is based on the population of the world being used. We would like to change this so that respawn rates are the same on all servers, regardless of population. Following feedback we will not modify the respawn rates of the Dagganoth Kings.
Question: Should we standardise respawn rates of monsters and resources so that all worlds act as full worlds? DKS will remain unchanged.
In the last poll the option to allow the imbuing of all three new rings was available but did not pass. Your feedback indicated that this may have been due to the inclusion of the Ring of the Gods in the question and so we would like to offer the ability to imbue only the Treasonous and Tyrannical rings.
Question: Should players be able to Imbue the Treasonous ring to increase its bonuses to +8 Stab attack and defence?
Question: Should players be able to Imbue the Tyrannical ring to increase its bonuses to +8 Crush attack and defence?
Based on your feedback there will be a poll option to add a small quality-of-life update to Castle Wars by adding a 'Take-5' option to the right click menu on the tables. The left click option would remain as 'Take-one'.
Question: Should Castle Wars tables to have a right click 'Take-5' option.
Question: Should Lumberyard teleport scrolls be added to the list of rewards from clue scrolls?
Question: Should ranged strength & damage multipliers be displayed on the equipment screen?
Question: Should the Master wand be able to autocast ancients.
Question: Should players be able to permanently disable cave horror cave warning?
Question: Should we remove the 40 attack experience gained from killing the Ice lord during the Cold war quest.? This will allow level 3 accounts to complete the quest without gaining combat experience.
Question: Should counters for boss kills & barrows chests opened be added?
Question: Should a right click pay option be added to farmers?
Question: Should farmer payments be listed in the skill guide?
Vestment robe tops and legs currently offer 4 prayer bonus each while the monk robe top offers 6 and the bottom 5.
Question: Should vestment robe tops and legs have their prayer bonus increased to match monk robe bonuses?
Question: Should you be able to pay the mage in west Ardougne 200k to upgrade your Iban staff to store 2,500 charges?
Question: Should you be able to press spacebar to go through chatboxes and use number keys to select from multi-options?
Clan Wars feedback
Question: In a clan war, should a left click attack option only appear on your opponents (as if everyone on your team is wearing the same team cape)?
Question: In a clan war, should an option to prevent players returning to a fight for a set period of time after dying or leaving one be added?
Question: Should we add a minigame chat channel and accompanying teleport for Clan Wars?
Mods Alfred, Ash, John C, Mat K, Reach, Ronan & Weath
The Old School Team

04-Jul-2014 12:02:08 - Last edited on 07-Jul-2014 12:35:25 by Mod John C