
Dev Blog: Content Poll #22

Quick find code: 380-381-41-65435527

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 5,171 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Make like 10 worlds have the longer respawn time for boss monsters.

Also about the pets, what would their drop rate be? The poll question should say that they're VERY rare drops (they probably will be?). I'll vote no if they're too common.

I think Dan said awhile ago that the gwd pets would be around 1/4000-5000.

04-Jul-2014 12:51:25



Posts: 610 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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We don't update without a poll lightly but when we do, we always sit down and discuss what we're doing and why we're doing it. In this instance, and much in the same way we launched the authentictor, it's player security and integrity that's at stake so we took steps to improve that. Seldom is it necessary, but we'll always hold onto that option when it's justifiable.

The change made is by no means a final solution to the problem of players being scammed or lured. It simply gives you a second chance to properly think through what you're about to do and makes you aware of the possible value of your item(s).

It is very likely that we'll adjust the warning behavior over time but for now it will be remaining as it is because we do lose a lot of players through loss of items like this, if we can put a barrier up to catch a few of them as they fall, then maybe we can start to save some people.

To address the concerns regarding standardized spawn rates and boss monsters, I'll talk to Ash on Monday when he's back in the office but I believe we can leave those alone if you want us to.

Can you explain how this stops scamming though? Say a scammer somehow convinces a noob to drop his dragon scimmy, do you think the warning message would stop him? Also, i dont know if you realize, but most lures/scams are more sophisticated than "hey, drop your bandos tassets!".

I don't think this game should be an idiot-proof, safe environment. Runescape should have an element of danger. With these ridiculous warnings the game becomes sterile and predictable, much like the other runescape is now.

04-Jul-2014 12:53:04 - Last edited on 04-Jul-2014 12:57:18 by Nazar

Mar Member 2020


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Graphical Reworks

Post the new graphics in the topic, I know you've posted them about but not everyone has seen them.


New Pets

Support but agreed with those saying left click options will be removed etc.

Suggestion: extremely rare pet drops from high slayer monsters (abbys, dark beasts etc) for high slayers to have something to show off.


Not sure about letting master wand autocast ancients, I agree with it sort of but at the same time it's going to make ancient staffs useless. I would rather give it a special attack.

Spacebar to go through chat boxes!!!! YESSS finally... All in all, a pretty good poll. Looking forward to quite a lot in this one.

04-Jul-2014 12:54:38

Mar Member 2020


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Question: Should we standardize respawn rates?

That's nice, but what about the few places where a slower spawn rate helps? Like DKs, GWD too probably if you're not a strong team.
Would it be possible to have a toggle for "quick" and "long" spawn rates?

For example..

if someone with the quick spawn rates toggled gets the kill, the DK will respawn in 60 seconds

If someone with the slow spawn rates toggled gets the kill, the DK will respawn in 2 minutes

Just an idea.

04-Jul-2014 12:57:18

Mod John C

Mod John C

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
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In the poll question about pets, could you please mention that you can't left click these with that update you added before, so that it doesn't get a lot of NO's from people who don't know about it?

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As we have already changed how pet options appear to players, making them invisible to avoid any unintentional interaction, adding more pets will not disrupt anyone's gameplay. To further reduce any chance of disruption, pets will no longer be able to be taken into the Duel Arena, Clan Wars and other areas where they may have been an issue.

04-Jul-2014 12:58:45



Posts: 1,176 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm not completely sure what I'd vote when it comes to decreasing/standardising spawn times.

Take Runite Ore for example; on a max population world, rune rocks take around 12 minutes to respawn, where as on the population we have on 95% of our worlds it takes closer to 22 minutes or so. This means that there's a possibility of almost twice as many rune ores to come into the game surely?

I like the idea of it at certain areas, but I think that it should be changed so that it's only certain things that are standardised. These could include certain boss monsters, popular slayer monsters, iron/granite, and a few other things in between. But for high level resources, I don't see many benefits to increasing their rate of coming into the game.

04-Jul-2014 13:04:21

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