why do you guys think you know better than the economy? prices of zulrah supplies were very stable and had been for a long time, i dont know how you can even call this an update its just a nerf and world map
Thank you , I know longer feel abandoned.
What's a game without a challenge?
You should all be happy that this has come into action. I am.
" You can do a lot more with weapons and politeness than just politeness. "
Vladimir Putin
pretty upset about the changes to void... the rest of it im fine with. the world map looks great
and even though i rely on zulrah for money i understand the nerf. i just really didnt want to see void range nerfed, thats going to change a lot for pk builds made specifically for that setup..
you guys are making these massive changes without consideration or a poll , just killing the game i thought you guys were making progress with your updates and asking the small community that actually play the game before making them . i can see alot of people quitting soon .