Never doing another metal dragon task again, it used to be nice and slow to begin with but worth doing for the chance of a visage and the money from bones.
It is now so far from anywhere you may as well bury the bones or just block the task which is what I will be doing.
Never doing another metal dragon task again, it used to be nice and slow to begin with but worth doing for the chance of a visage and the money from bones.
It is now so far from anywhere you may as well bury the bones or just block the task which is what I will be doing.
Fair enough, if you don't want to do them. Though the new entrance to the Brimhaven dungeon, near Tai Bwo Wannai Village, makes it considerably easier to get to metal dragons.
Was this polled? I don't remember, because honestly this update sucks. I understand that a lot of the dead content areas were reworked and made content again, so players get to enjoy the dated graphics of even more areas... But why make Slayer (a slow skill to train) even slower by spreading out the area that people have to go to train it?
Mod Ash
Never doing another metal dragon task again, it used to be nice and slow to begin with but worth doing for the chance of a visage and the money from bones.
It is now so far from anywhere you may as well bury the bones or just block the task which is what I will be doing.
Fair enough, if you don't want to do them. Though the new entrance to the Brimhaven dungeon, near Tai Bwo Wannai Village, makes it considerably easier to get to metal dragons.
I used that door but there is still no teleport remotely close to the new door.
Even if we had a direct teleport to that door, it still wouldn't be as good as original because you would need a 2nd teleport to bank bones. As it stands you have to run from ardougne or shilo village or get to a fairy ring and run half the distance.
For normal tasks that would be fine but bone drop task it's the difference between making money and wasting time.
Was this polled? I don't remember, because honestly this update sucks. I understand that a lot of the dead content areas were reworked and made content again, so players get to enjoy the dated graphics of even more areas... But why make Slayer (a slow skill to train) even slower by spreading out the area that people have to go to train it?
This actually didn't make it slower. Its about the same as it was before if not slightly easier now that there are slightly more spawns for the creatures. As long as you progress in the game and unlock more teleports all of these locations are nearby a teleport.