Thank you for answering Mod Ash.
"Do you see that affecting the value of the elite trail rewards?"
Frankly, personally I don't think elite clues are very rewarding as it stands, definitely not compared to work they require. My main problem with them is that tend to take annoyingly long to complete, and the rewards don't feel appropriate for your work. Their length doesn't really make them more difficult, only more frustrating. I think you did very well with master clues; higher requirements but fewer steps. Also, with fewer steps, lower level/ newer players would probably be more motivated to attempt completing their clues.
So, if you were to make elite clues shorter more clues would probably be completed, lowering reward values in the long run but on the other hand, completing clues would be faster and less frustrating, which I'd consider fair trade.
27-Apr-2017 12:15:54