Regarding the dev blog on what needs poll.
when you specify a question as well as you did with the raids reward explaining into detail how powerfull twisted bow in this case will be. where u state both in written and using image to illustrate how it will be capped etc. and ppl vote yes on it. they vote yes on the stats of it, speed, buff etc. and the mage lvl of bandos etc was no secret neither. This is the kind of stuff you should not be able to change without the need of a poll.
it is silly, in my opinion, to poll such game changing content then tweak it after it passes. Would be like buffing the stats of dragon sword to the choatic rapier now after it has passed and been released just because its a very poor weapon.
You should only be able to change things you have not polled. like the twisted bows drop rate for instance. Whats the point of polls if what is polled can be changed this easely after it has passed?
19-Jan-2017 11:28:50