Dragon Claws - NO. I think the idea is bad, id rather see abyssal claws and a 70 or 75 attack req.
Ancestral Robes - Yes. It makes sense to have a mage equivalent of bandos/armadyl.
Twisted Bow - NO, I have 99 range but this sounds like a horrible idea. A higher magic level should not equal you take more range damage. That is stupid.
Twisted Buckler - YES YES YES, this is an amazing edition to bis range gear.
Dinh's Bulwark - I like the idea, but for the block mode, more than 20% damage reduction would be necessary to make it a valid option with zero dps. Perhaps a recoil effect when in block mode as well?
Dragon Hunter Crossbow - HELL NO. It devalues armadyl crossbow and the reqs are way too low on it. Range already destroys dragons at high levels, dragons have never meant to be an easy kill.
Elder Armour, Kodai Robes, Twisted armour - YES! YES! YES! 70%+ of players want these top tier armors in the game. But why does it degrade? Im pretty sure the majority vote was non-degradable? Without these high-end armors many high-level pvmers will lose interest (including myself). And I suggest making the reqs higher to keep the game balanced. Why can a lvl 100 compete with a 126? makes no sense from any point of view. Levels get harder and harder to get towards 99, why shouldn't there be good incentive?
28-Oct-2016 20:10:46