My thoughts on the Raids Armor are as such:
This gear should be very powerful, but should not overtake the roles of existing gear.
My goal is to tweak them to make them have more interchangeability with other armor.
Elder Melee Armor:
-I would like it to have reduced or removed Strength Bonus, being focused on Accuracy, while keeping its top tier Defenses.
-With potentially increased Accuracy stats, this armor will remain a high dps set, but tilted towards late game content like Bossing and high risk PKing.
I also feel that this set's Ranged Accuracy should be -15 atleast.
-This will result in sets like Bandos to have their uses over Elder Armor, and let Torag's flexibility remain desired.
Kodai Magic Robes:
-Kodai can remain roughly as it is now, being defensive and accurate Magic armor, whose high negative Melee and Range bonuses give players reason to use Ahrim's or other magic sets over Kodai in appropriate situations.
-It's defenses could go up a touch more.
Twisted Range Armor:
The Twisted set is the only one I have a gripe with. It's basically a 1-up of Armadyl with little interchangeability.
-I feel that the negative Melee bonuses of Twisted should be mostly reduced, while it's Defenses should also be lower (Offensive stats could receive a small buff).
This way, it would encourage players to use long-range tactics, but not kill the Ability to use Melee when desired.
-Karils would be Melee-neutral with solid Def. Arma Defensive Range focused. Twisted would be a powerful rogue-Archer set, not just a better Armadyl.
I do not believe that Raids Armor should degrade in the sense of having to pay to repair them.
Instead, I feel it would be nicer if they required occasional recharging by completing further Raids.
14-Oct-2016 05:40:36