You guys need to repoll. The first question should never have included all the new armor from the raids. They should have separate questions for each set of style. Melee and Range raid gear will no doubt make bandos/armadyl crash. I understand peoples concerns but we need new mage gear.
Melee: Just another reason to become a pincushion for low level mages
Range: Becoming more powerful
Mages: Becoming more powerful
Each set has their own positives and negatives but the elephants are many and I mean with all the sets.
When I get a new higher set I should feel more powerful than my last highest set. Melee is obviously going to take a hit to the Mage Defense causing you to drop further making lower level stuff more appealing. I can see it now at level 90 melee armor -200 mage def, So should a level 40 mage crush me?(example obviously they will use Ice barrage)
The defense even if only slightly should go up. Only the highest end players should feel like a threat. I am starting to think melee isn't worth it.
Range and Mage boost get nicer boosts but don't really go down in def. So I am getting a new degrading set that destroys itself and offers less advantages vs players lower than me, yet like the melee I am loosing the battle vs lower levels cause of no boost? I really feel we should feel mightier vs a squad of lower level players than totally destroyed.
The degrade isn't horrible as I still like barrows. I just think the sets are underwhelming for the time I will put in to get them. If they were separated I may of considered Yes to Mage but I said no and even as such I feel they aren't a new tier as described.
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This also sound's like alot of fun, and i really epreciate that your thinkin of the econemy of osrs, because we really dont want the bandos armour and other ''oldschool armour'' being too cheap. we really enjoy playing like it was back in the days. but so far im very impressed with what you do
You guys really are so bad at balancing. You can nerf Wintertodt but not Zulrah?
The new armours are failing because they're far too strong for T75, they'd most likely be passing if they were made T80 or T85 but you guys insist on capping things at ridiculously low levels for no reason at all. Smh.