Warcat said:
There was a poll about ZEAH. In the dev blog about Zeah it was clearly stated that the continent would include raids. I disagree that the raids should be polled seperately, but think the rewards will be polled before launch of the raids. Unfortunately, many a good content suggestions have been down-voted by nostalgics. I want to see a future for OSRS, not only the past.
You really need to go and read the poll question it did not say we were voting on what the dev blog said.
But what it did say was and I quote:
"All content which significantly impacts on existing content will be polled separately as we go through the development process"
If your going to try and tell me that raids don't fall under a significant impact category then I'm afraid you are deluded.
To touch on your future for OSRS statement it takes 75% of the vote to pass new content etc.
therefore with a majority that size anything being passed or downvoted as you put it is what the majority want and so becomes a solid future for the game.
I am quite happy to accept changes to the game that I don't agree with as long as it has passed a 75% vote.
30-Aug-2016 12:01:41