Okay, I didn't get to fully test out the elder wand, but I want to add my input about it, obviously from page 9 you can tell I thought the elder maul was overpowered, I agree with not adding it into the game, which would be my personal preference, but the idea about 85 to 90 attack for it seems okay to me, even though I wouldn't like to see it, though the elder wand was underpowered even with full void mage to increase the damage percentage increase, someone mentioned it should be 15% to 20% increase in damage for the wand, well I somewhat agree with this, as the I think it was 25% damage increase, with full void mage, elder wand, maxed out magic, mage potion, and prayer for mage dmg increase + defence increase was significantly underpowered, I did good damage, ice barraging but even within those few seconds a melee player didn't get freezed and got to hit me, I was nearly dead, died fairly quickly, the damage was good for mage, but not enough to compete against melee dmg, in other words, I was kinda impressed that the dmg wasn't lower but it wasn't quite enough to use in pvp, as I died fairly quickly and void mage would be hard to get if I can get ko'ed easily within a minute or two which is what happened, if I can't always freeze the other player, so my suggestion would be to tweak the dmg a bit, make it better.
And I think if we want new weapons too work, we should definitely get quite a bit of input from our regular old school players and maybe more testing time if the development team are willing to do this.
25-Aug-2016 19:01:56