Dragon sword idea:
The dragon sword special attack would increase the combo potential of melee in pvp combat by making a stronger and more accurate whip speed hit that could be coupled with a finishing blow from another weapon. There is no other special attack weapon that does this without the drawback of lower accuracy.
I think the dragon sword as it is is not strong enough to justify using 40% special attack to create a slightly higher chance of comboing into a pvp kill. I would rather have two AGS specials than a dragon sword special into AGS special.
I think that in order to make this weapon more viable in pvp combat the damage from the dragon sword special attack should be delayed. This would make it harder to heal in between the hit of the dragon sword and the killing blow attempt that would follow it.
One of the best ways to stop a killing blow attempt that follows a whip speed hit is to heal in between the whip speed hit and the killing blow attempt. I think delaying the damage from the dragon sword special attack would make it harder to heal in between its special and whatever comes next, effectively making it a better tool for finishing off targets which seems to be its purpose as a special attack based pvp weapon.
28-Jun-2016 19:49:21
- Last edited on
28-Jun-2016 19:49:49