Is there going to be any compensation to deal with one itemers when the dragon spear gets nerfed? Deep wild multi combat will be ruined if one itemers with godswords have zero risk. Clans who PK in gear will stop fighting each other and the one itemers will have no one left to rag except for PvMers. I think it would ideal to gather feedback from those who profited from spear stacking and not just Redditors and stream viewers. I think you would find out that a lot of us wouldn't have a problem with a spear nerf if it meant people wouldn't be able to one item.
As someone who doesn't really care for PvM, Wintertod* sounds AMAZING. The way it's like bossing but with using your skilling abilities is very exciting to me, and will make the game a lot more balanced in terms of activities to do.
"The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes."
So only the top 2k players from last season can play deadman? I was not able to play when the first deadman was released and only just got back into osrs the last month or so.
Will i not be able to play?