I dont agree with the gwd quiver item slot, your devaluing a clue item in a clue scroll update. The main reason that the zamorak d'hide body has the price that it has, and has maintained it, is because almost everyone that does bandos, and somewhat zamorak, would use it, if not using a karils top or bandos chestplate/torso and so if there is an item that would make a bandos(Melle attacker) not have to have a zamorak god item, because it's in the quiver slot in some scroll... means that nobody will need zamorak d'hide there anymore, thus devaluing it. Most of the god d hide is already worthless, and theres still a few key pieces people use that have some value and in game importance, i don't want them all to end up entirely worthless and unused like in rs3. Maybe instead you could keep the 1 prayer bonus, remove the "god item" effect, and add an effect where when wearing one corresponding to the god your fighting, you get a slightly increased chance of receiving the pet drop this doesn't have to be significant but it could be 1-5% of a odds increase to receive it.
14-Apr-2016 08:51:12