Monkey Madness was released over 11 years ago and has since become known as one of the defining quests of RuneScape. The time has come to give it a sequel.
Monkey Madness II: The Renegade Returns
Following the events of Monkey Madness, Glough has vanished. King Narnode requires your help once more in tracking down the war criminal Glough and uncovering his next evil plan.
The Story

One thing the community have made clear is that you don't want to know any details of the Monkey Madness II story.
We are going to be keeping all details of the story under wraps until the quest is in game and you have had a chance to enjoy it!
However, it is worth mentioning that we wrote this quest with a few goals in mind:
If the above sounds good, you will be sure to enjoy what we have in store.
Monkey Madness II is a Grandmaster quest. As such, it must provide rewards fitting for such a challenging quest. We would like to offer several rewards for those of you experienced enough to complete MMII.

There will be two tiers of ballista: light and heavy. Light ballistas would require 30 Ranged to equip and heavy would require 65 Ranged to equip. The light ballista is essentially a weaker version of the heavy ballista.
Ballistas will not be best-in-slot weapons but they will fill the gap of accurate, hard hitting ranged weapons that do not require a special attack in order to be useful.
Ballistas will not require the completion of Monkey Madness II to use.
Please note : Zenyte equipment will be offered in a different question to the quest.
Zenyte is a new gem which can be used to create several pieces of high end jewellery. An uncut zenyte is created by using a zenyte shard on an uncut onyx . Zenyte shards can be obtained from content unlocked following the completion of Monkey Madness II. Zenyte shards and jewellery are both tradeable and usable by players who have not completed Monkey Madness II .
To accompany the introduction of this new gem, a new enchant spell would be added to the standard magic spellbook which can be used to enchant zenyte jewellery . This spell, Level 7 Enchant, would cost 1 cosmic rune, 20 blood runes and 20 soul runes to cast.
All zenyte jewellery requires 75 Hitpoints to equip.

Let's take a closer look at the requirements and bonuses offered by the zenyte jewellery.
Ring of Suffering (Zenyte ring) - Requires 89 Crafting to make
When enchanted the zenyte ring becomes the Ring of Suffering. This ring provides impressive defensive stats with no offensive bonuses.
Necklace of Anguish (Zenyte necklace) - Requires 92 Crafting to make
Once enchanted the zenyte necklace becomes the Necklace of Anguish. The Necklace of Anguish is a best-in-slot ranged item which also offers Ranged strength, unlike most ranging equipment in the game.
Please note : The damage of the dark bow will be capped at 48-48 damage.
Tormented Bracelet (Zenyte bracelet) - Requires 95 Crafting to make
Once enchanted the zenyte bracelet becomes the Tormented Bracelet. This bracelet offers an impressive +10 Magic attack, making it the best-in-slot item for Magic bonus.
Amulet of Torture (Zenyte amulet) - Requires 98 Crafting to make
Once enchanted the zenyte amulet becomes the Amulet of Torture. This amulet is a best-in-slot item for offensive melee stats but provides no defensive bonuses at all.
Please note: The zenyte passive will be offered as a separate question to both the Monkey Madness II quest and zenyte equipment.
In addition to the above stats for zenyte jewellery, we would like to offer the ability to charge zenyte jewellery with onyxes.
Charged zenyte jewellery would provide a passive healing effect. If you have a charged piece of zenyte jewellery equipped you will have a 10% chance of healing 5% of the damage you deal . This effect lasts for 10,000 successful hits . Once 10,000 hits have been dealt, the zenyte jewellery returns to its uncharged state and would require another onyx to become charged once more.
Wearing multiple pieces of charged zenyte jewellery would not improve the healing effect.
Access for pures
One question that many players would like answering is whether or not pures will be able to complete Monkey Madness II. In order to answer this question, we will be polling allowing pures access to Ape Atoll without having to go through Daero's training as a part of the Monkey Madness II poll.

As always, we are very eager to hear what you have to say about our proposal for Monkey Madness II. If you have any feedback, please be sure to let us know! If you have any thoughts at all, we want to hear them!
Mods Alfred, Archie, Ash, Ghost, Ian, Jed, John C, Kieren, Mat K, Maz, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team

22-Feb-2016 11:59:16 - Last edited on 23-Feb-2016 16:25:51 by Mod Ronan