
Great Kourend Tweaks

Quick find code: 380-381-252-65728322

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 1,301 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
a few things first i some what like zeah.
1. but how do we get ability to wear new armor from mine and smith mini. i have 62% favor to make lvl 4 and cannot wear or put in house yet.

2. mining there only get 20 xp for lov ore and crap or no smith xp. not even worth wasting my time doing it if next to no rewards making it.

3. got 100% in pisc house and lost most of it to do mining. and smithing.
and i like idea of diaries . just no more stupid stuff like killing 1000 stupid useless birds with no drops. it should be kill abyssal demon till whip drop. or kill dragon till rune med helm drop . or dragon skirt or legs . or even till get vysage drop. no one cares about them birds. you see how many killed useless birds in other game . for hat. because hat not worth the effort.

12-Jan-2016 00:43:12

NZ Sheeps
Dec Member 2018

NZ Sheeps

Posts: 10,342 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just putting in my 2gp worth.

For tasks that require buying large amounts of stuff (dynamite pots springs to mind where you need to buy hundreds of pots and string), could you please introduce packs to the Kourend shops?

12-Jan-2016 05:26:06

Sep Member 2021


Posts: 26 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
NZ Sheeps said :
Just putting in my 2gp worth.

For tasks that require buying large amounts of stuff (dynamite pots springs to mind where you need to buy hundreds of pots and string), could you please introduce packs to the Kourend shops?

With the current buffs to blast mining, making the dynamite easily obtainable would make it too good.

14-Jan-2016 15:57:09



Posts: 1,502 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Moved the tool leprechaun in Hosidius house closer to the herb patch.
Fixed an inaccessible ladder in Varrock.
Moved the anglerfish fisherman to prevent click-zone clashes with Fishing spots.
Removed some stray blocking in Piscarilius house.
Removed some stray roofing in Piscarilius house.
Repaired a corner of a ploughing field in Hosidius house.
Romeo is no longer wearing his Santa hat.
Charlie Brown has ventured away from the Port of Piscarilius.
Fixed a typo on a library book.
Corrected the spelling of Saltpetre in the task list.
Removed a range in Hosidius house.
The gap in the north wall of Prifddinas has been closed.
Flattened the area surrounding the Arceuus essence mine to prevent game crashes.

That's great! But what about fixing the spear (special attack) glitch?

You ask for our feedback and suggestions and completely ignore the longest running BUG/Glitch on OSRS just because a large amount of pkers collectively voted to keep the bug going for their own benefit.

Since when do we poll a bug anyway? I thought Jagex was meant to be professional.
Unfair to the rest of the community if you ask me.
Cookies & Cream

14-Jan-2016 21:06:09

NZ Sheeps
Dec Member 2018

NZ Sheeps

Posts: 10,342 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
AmaJuda said :
NZ Sheeps said :
Just putting in my 2gp worth.

For tasks that require buying large amounts of stuff (dynamite pots springs to mind where you need to buy hundreds of pots and string), could you please introduce packs to the Kourend shops?

With the current buffs to blast mining, making the dynamite easily obtainable would make it too good.

Not the dynamite, the stuff you need to buy to make it (pots and string).

You can do it at the sulpher mine and Neitznot, but it's buy a load, bank, buy a load, bank, buy a load, bank, etc.

15-Jan-2016 05:19:33

Apr Member 2023


Posts: 330 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
thats rly sad when u have in new cont. zeah fishing xp/h less than monkfish ... at monks u have like 30-40k xp per hour but on anglerfish 15-22k per hour.. ofc that awesome fish but should get lil more exp in NEW updates.

15-Jan-2016 17:39:20

Mar Member 2023


Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Is it possible that the new areas in kourend have a strictly melee boss. Melee does have the most weapons and buffs it seems but there isn't any one boss that you have to use melee on. We already have bosses you can't melee at all it would be nice to have some that are exclusive to melee dominant players.

15-May-2016 13:19:37

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