Skill Cape Perks
If the glory of a owning a skill cape was not reason enough for you to regularly take it out of your bank, we've given each cape a small perk to make them that bit more useful!
Skill Cape Perks

Since their release skill capes have been a great way to show off your accomplishments in RuneScape, but as great as they look they haven't always been the most useful items. In an effort to give you more reasons to show off your accomplishments more regularly, we have added perks to each of the skill capes in game.
Skill | Perk |
Attack | Free access to Cyclops area found upstairs within the Warriors' Guild. |
Strength | Unlimited teleports to the Warriors' Guild. |
Defence | Act as a permanent Ring of Life. This effect can be toggled. |
Ranged | Act as an Ava's accumulator. |
Prayer | Act as if you are carrying a holy wrench (this does not stack with the holy wrench or ring of the gods). |
Magic | Can cast spellbook swap once per day. |
Runecrafting | Acts as all tiaras. |
Construction | 5 daily teleports to any player owned house portal. |
Hitpoints | 2x HP restore rate (does stack with regen bracelet, doesn't stack with rapid restore prayer). |
Agility | Acts as a graceful cape, including weight reduction and set bonus. |
Herblore | Nardah herbalist will create unfinished potions for you, for 200gp each. (Same as desert hard reward). Also gives a pestle and mortar. |
Thieving | 10% better chance of succeeding when pickpocketing. |
Crafting | Unlimited teleports to the Crafting Guild. |
Fletching | Can be searched for a mithril grapple and bronze crossbow 3 times per day. |
Slayer | Slim chance of being able to persuade a slayer master to reassign your last task. |
Hunter | 5 daily teleports to black or red chinchompas. |
Mining | 5% chance of receiving an extra ore while mining, up to adamantite (stacks with Varrock armour). |
Smithing | Acts as goldsmithing gauntlets. |
Fishing | Unlimited fishing guild teleports. |
Cooking | Impossible to burn any food. |
Firemaking | Acts as a lightsource. |
Woodcutting | 10% increased chance of finding a bird's nest. |
Farming | 5% increased yield from herb patches (stacks with magic secateurs). |
Max cape | Provides all of the above (unless combined with another cape, in which case no perks are provided). |
PvM Arena
The PvM Arena has returned for this year's Clan Cup! Clans participating in the tournament will be able to face-off in this head-to-head PvM battle, taking down boss after boss after boss. Two teams enter the arena with one goal: get more kills than the other clan in one hour.

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Mods Alfred, Archie, Ash, Ghost, Ian, Jed, John C, Kieren, Mat K, Maz, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team

03-Dec-2015 10:34:04 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2015 12:19:08 by Mod Ash