pure cup "defence noobs not allowed" , but we will cater to all the morons that have 30 defence. To make matters worst they got 30 defence without turmoil even being around....?
Seems Jagex haven't really notified anyone of what is happening since the actual Cup mentioning...
Leaving us short time to get signed up, and teams ready surely??
I think you also need to do research on the warring scene completely, since when was it 8v8??
It's always been 10v10 minimum so you can create stacks...
yet again its the normal people being ****** off out the way, for the streamers and 'celebs' or whatever they call themselves.
I do hope the J cup is run as good as last year, and look forward to participating none the less..
~~~~~A good team is multiple players, playing better as one~~~~~
Jagex has always been braindead like the idiots who willingly got 30 defence, almost as ******* ******** as the clan leaders that allow that stupid **** to actually be legitimate.