Mod Ash
Iron D Natsu
why destroy a game the community asked to bring back by updating **** like that... if people want new content i think they should go to a game thats not oldschool...
These updates you're describing are offered to the community in polls, and require a threshold of 75% to pass. That's really very high. So, yes, the community asked Jagex to bring back the old school game, and the community also asked for the abyssal bludgeon to be buffed.
That is complete Bullsh*t tbh, there are over 1m accounts, 22.5k of those 1m account have 85 slayer, lets say 100k votes, with compared to 1m accout is 2.2k/100k player have had a chance to get abyssal demon task , with a 3 part drop, I'm sure those 90%+ of the YES-votters on this had never even used the blundgeon, get your self togeter jagex, it's still you who decide the stuff, don't listen to community blindly please... you made the weapon on request of the players, I'm ok with that but it's so strong and fast already as it is, making the special better will only influence other weapon useage too.
if this update came like in a few month i could understand, but now i feel like people just WANT OP weapons like in RS3, there can't have been enough experimenting with the special after 2-3 weeks to say that, only a few people could have actually voted on this...
maybe put some requirements on votes. Change Blundgeon special? (can only vote on this if you actually used its special 50 or more times.) same goes for more updates
Why can we only vote on the polls in game? It says this was agreed a while back, but I was away then so missed it. Can somebody explain what that's about please?
Thank you for the updates, really like the report abuse screen update..its good being able to report offensive names now and stuff.
ORA High Council Member
LODJ RS3 Division
Excellent! Although, one feature I would like to see on the forums would be in place of the date of members, changing it to the date the player created the account. Would be quite neat to see!
(Hans would still be useful, and it might increase traffic on the forums a bit for people to show off their longevity in accounts!)