What about people with a quest cape? and max cape?
I do like the idea about the quest capes add more beneficial perks!
But i read this idea before, but i can't recall who said it but!
Lets say you got a fire cape, and a skillcape, ofcourse you want to show it off, but you also need the stats from the fire cape.
People no voted the max-cape stats, because you wouldn't have to go to the trouble to get firecape they said.
But if you add a "add-cape" to any skillcape, you can add and remove the firecape from it.
This would work with any cape slot item ofcourse (Few acceptions, like aquatic stuff).
this way you can wield the stats, and the questcape, while you had the trouble to get them both.
19-Sep-2015 10:51:10