
Slayer Assignment Rework

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Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Unpolled updates never again!

Remove aft guthans and spashin* (since when was combat completely afk'able)

Take care of the bot problem, our point is that MORE has to been done about it, if its a problem and this many players are complaining about it then do something about it because I thought this was player driven now..?

We need an in-game way to discuss content.
Way more polls!

Slow down osrs team. I would like less updates and more planning/refining of current content.

I agree with many of the other players in the fact that there is too much separation between lvm updates and skiller. The game should be updated as a whole rather than just little pieces.

11-Sep-2015 03:10:45

Twiggy Korn

Twiggy Korn

Posts: 66 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Seriously jagex, i've been playing for more than 10 years now, all membership. You've easily made thousands from me alone.
When you started the OSRS it was to get more community players (and more money) but it was to bring back your game. You made an oath to poll EVERYTHING and have the community decide.
My point? If you don't stop putting updates without polls, your OSRS server is going to die and you're going to lose all the players again.
Don't implement ANYTHING (major) without a poll. Or you're going to lose your players and your money again, and they wont give you a third chance. OSRS was your second chance.

11-Sep-2015 03:25:40



Posts: 532 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i've seen jagex trying to fix the slayer assignment thing for a long time, i've posted this before and ill do it again. this is what i've picked up when seeing people ask for changes to slayer:they want it to be more challenging and rewarding=add bosses/remove unneccessary or weak tasks but if this happens there is probably some people that like the more relaxed slayer and may not be suited for more challenging content yet which an example of this would be people not unlocking boss slayer tasks because their not ready for it yet but once they do they may get some they cant fight yet so just meet in the middle to make everyone happy and still be true to the game.

this is my solution all the slayer masters will assign their usual tasks and of course the higher slayer level requirement masters then the higher tasks they will assign and more challenging they will be and longer duration they will be. the solution is this make another slayer master that anyone can go to any level however this slayer master will assign tasks that will be harder/longer and will also give extra challenging assignments sometimes that you can accept or decline such as kill 50 of this boss also this master scales up its challenges and normal assignments depending on the persons combat level so a maxed person's challenge mission would something such as kill 50 kree arra or kill 250 black dragons for a normal task while someone around level 70 his challenge mission would be something like kill 50 big mole or 150 blue dragons for a normal task.

the reason for this is slower pace slayers will have their time with normal slayer masters to train up to higher content and then anyone wanting more challenge and reward will be able to come to this slayer master for extra challenge and reward any level and its scaled based on peoples combat level so it will work well also this gives people the opportunity if they want bosses but cant kill them all they can decline the challenge assignment .

11-Sep-2015 03:55:21

Aug Member 2023


Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
hearing about this update scares me, but im sure for a lot of players its great news. what worries me is slayer masters assigning monsters for me which i cannot tackle, or assignments which are very hard. for example, at level 51 i was assigned 92 ice warriors... it took me ages to get just half done... so now the limit has been taken off, im gonna get more of these.. no?

11-Sep-2015 04:02:45



Posts: 532 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
the post from flubadi about being scared about to many challenging assignments just confirmed my comment on page 13 to be true and in reverse comfirms it for people wanting more challenge also the challenge missions dont have to be just bosses they can be a significantly long task such as kill 500 of something or it could be a choice of different kinds of extra challenging assignments or whatever the jagex team can come up with.

11-Sep-2015 04:06:32 - Last edited on 11-Sep-2015 04:09:20 by epiclegacy77



Posts: 358 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile just putting this here. Because I really respect Jagex and believe they're making the right choices.

First of all, the new slayer content was polled (The specifics of the task reworking, as well as tasks being removed, was not polled, although the combat levels and stuff being removed was polled indirectly via reference to the developer blogs..)

Second of all, the priorities for new updates, was polled.

Thirdly, removing Guthans-AFK-NMZ and splashing was polled, seeing game integrity poll from November. The polls for both was nearly a 50/50 split. 56/44 and 54/46 respectively. When roughly half of the community believes something is an issue, then it should be fixed. Unfortunately by the poll rules, a nearly 50/50 means nothing would be resolved by polling. Jagex took the right steps by eliminating it, and can probably reintroduce it later by poll (assuming it passes). That way if people really want it back, then it will be voted back into the game. Instead of being a found exploit for training combat for 6 hours at a time with 0 personal investment involved.

TLDR- Everything was polled, so if you actually read all the polls, and the developer blogs which were referenced. None of this should be a surprise.

Personal Opinion- If you want free exp gains while not actually playing the game, get 99 farming, seriously, its the same deal, only you make money and don't gain serious advantages over other players with it.

11-Sep-2015 05:11:38

Oct Member 2020


Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Its Maje said :
Bezeo said :
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Did you guys forget to mention you can't afk nmz anymore? Who cares really? You can splash a monster with a spell and walk away from your computer for hours but I'm not allowed to partially afk nmz? You have to do more in nmz while "afking" than half of the skills that are offered. Woodcutting? Magic? Prayer at gilded altars? I'm quite frustrated with the contradictory that is carelessly being tossed around where you claim we can vote for WHATEVER WE WANT and nothing will be passed unless 75% of the community votes on it, but go and do this. I've been playing Runescape for over ten years now and I must say, it's quite irritating you guys think you can change the game without our consent. You're talking about someone who has paid for over 100 months of Runescape, and this? I understand changes, but this is too far. Now Guthan's has crashed over 5m at the very least. It may not sound like a lot to many people, but for the one's who earn their money through bossing, barrows, or skilling, 5m is a nice chunk of change. Really guys? I'm quite disappointed.

Calm my friend.. So you have to ACTUALLY train your account now and not be lazy? If you have paid for over 100 months of runescape you should be able to train your own account man. I make plenty of money from bossing, barrows, and skilling. 5m is nothing.

No, if we're going on facts here he's training his stats up for the SECOND time. Since you know.... most of the people playing OSRS seriously don't play rs3. If he's as old a player as he says he is then he had combat stats back then, what lvls you might ask? I'm not sure. I for one was maxed melee combat including prayer during 07. I had to start over. I can definitely see where he's coming from....

11-Sep-2015 08:35:37

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