Another boring month. Let me know when you guys forget about trying to force the Sailing meme into the game and start working on real updates.
2595 RS3 Efficiency Experts
2277 OSRS Hexis
Another boring month. Let me know when you guys forget about trying to force the Sailing meme into the game and start working on real updates.
They're polling it. Also, just because sailing was a joke originally doesn't make it bad.
Ooo some awesome updates this month, looking forward to them! Plenty of reason for me to be working away on my slayer level.
I'd like to know more about the sailing of course but as it stands ill still be voting no... I'd much rather summoning or something even though its not on the table.
"The last few pieces of content that remain from content poll #35 will be making their way into Old School in September with the max cape following shortly next month." - Mod Ronan.