There are always these people who are automatic no's to any idea of a new update to the game. All they post is something about still voting no for sailing or voting no to whatever the new update is. This is their opinion and that is fine but I just wish that everyone would be open minded to the idea of a new skill. Little by little we have been getting more information about sailing and they will be doing that Q&A session about the skill.
Then there are the people that are just asking for skills that we have already seen in runescape history. We want summoning, bring back dung! The whole point of old school is to not take the same road that rs3 took, to not make the same mistakes.
In summary, I am just asking people to not be closed minded about new updates to at least wait until all of the information of the update is released to us. If the whole point of the no is because you do not want the game to progress trying to keep it 07scape newsflash its not 07scape its old school, lets work together to move the game forward in a new route then rs3 but still making it old school.
03-Sep-2015 03:04:12