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And here i thought you all would actually listen and try to update it to make it more appealing. What you have brought to the table is an abhorrence. People play 2007scape for a reason, and its not to have pets, dragon platebodies, ancient warrior gear, or updates to the glory/ring of wealth. The fountain of rune faces one option and one option only to make it not a worthless piece of programming - EXP.
I agree the bosses need their drop tables buffed, but with CURRENTLY INGAME ITEMS, not something new every freaking month man, this is becoming eocscape fast and I might just hop off the boat now. and dont even get me started on this motherlode mine. when voting, one of the options should have been and SHOULD ALWAYS BE 'No change/update pls'
This is my little rant as a RS player since 2004, give the people what they want holy crap.
Oh and i was just going through it again, what we want from the new bosses is not a fedora or something like that, we want a option to get the chaos fanatics ancient staff for example, not something that is going to look like the day summoning first came out again. /cringe
/end rant
Please leave.
18-Mar-2014 17:22:08