
Dev Blog: Wilderness Feedback Thread is locked

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Cpt Pop Tart
Jun Member 2021

Cpt Pop Tart

Posts: 349 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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I can't seem to understand why you won't add pvp weapons or even dragon claws for that matter. You say its our game and we can have updates that we decide?

How about you poll those things I'm pretty sure they would pass
Mod Reach has confirmed on stream they won't bring back old pvp OP weapons liek d claws and IF they did it would be extremely nerfed

18-Mar-2014 19:37:02



Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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I can't seem to understand why you won't add pvp weapons or even dragon claws for that matter. You say its our game and we can have updates that we decide?

How about you poll those things I'm pretty sure they would pass
Support, maybe nerf special of claws a bit. When they talk about d claws on stream its always their own personal opinion that "they are OP", but A LOT of players suggest them..

18-Mar-2014 19:37:35

Oblv XB

Oblv XB

Posts: 4,956 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i'm glad you listened to me matt about the pvp armours

1) allowing stattutes to become a drop from major bosses in the wilderness (except KBD) ancient, seren, zamorak, saradomin, ect ect.

more reasons to go to the wildy!!!

3) poll the removal of pvp worlds
since the new wildy is here, pvp worlds take action away from it

1. Adding PvP gear, weapons, and Statuettes to all the bosses

* incorporate the PvP gear to the Multi bosses & Lava Dragons AS WELL as statuettes


* The reason it declined so fast was because with 6 bosses, and well THE EXACT SAME DROP TABLE people had no reason to go the wildy, without proper drops and difference there was no point going into the wildy for the risk vs reward factor.

3. ReWork the God Cave

* its too small honestly, and whats the point of having the "single" lobby right once you go in - not to mention going in the actual "cave" where the monsters are pkers cant even find anyone because they get wrecked by the monsters.

4. Making drops more common (hear me out)

* there are some things that are essential to the wilderness, i heard the chaos fanatic was to drop ancient staffs, however that was a "rare" drop - if you expect people to go in the wildy, the drops need to be increase for single bosses to have the incentive to actually go there.


okay, so - this needs to be looked into, no one is going there at all. reason being is because there isn't a need too, no one cares about it lol.
*Players should be given Xp for the spells they cast at the fountain of rune in order to help bring players there for a legitimate reason!

6. Upgrade Dragon Pickaxe's special

* +3 mining levels...really? you can get that off a spicey stew for +6 lol.

18-Mar-2014 19:37:44

Cpt Pop Tart
Jun Member 2021

Cpt Pop Tart

Posts: 349 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Adding the dragonplate body? Can you stop pushing this game towards EoC with even bothering to poll this crap it just gets hyped than an easy 75% pass.
Also this system to vote is a pain to always login and vote for stuff but now im forced to waste time and vote no for an update that will just pass anyways. R.I.P 2007scape Incoming 2010scape

Dragon plate came out in 2008. That was years and years before EOC even was in the early stages of being developed.

2010 is not EOC it's well before and I said there pushing the game. So what items from 2008 come out? Than whats acceptable next 2009? Just gonna keep progressing into pre-eoc =(

18-Mar-2014 19:38:48 - Last edited on 18-Mar-2014 19:39:45 by Cpt Pop Tart

Rob Zombie
Jun Member 2011

Rob Zombie

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Dragon Platebody seems cool, but I'd prefer it not have the original graphics. I think it would be more Oldschool to make it a regular red platebody with spikes on the shoulder pads or somethin along that idea. Comped on Rs3 Dec 2012 |
Maxed OSRS April 2015
| Hexis Clan |

18-Mar-2014 19:39:27

Cpt Pop Tart
Jun Member 2021

Cpt Pop Tart

Posts: 349 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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I can't seem to understand why you won't add pvp weapons or even dragon claws for that matter. You say its our game and we can have updates that we decide?

How about you poll those things I'm pretty sure they would pass
Support, maybe nerf special of claws a bit. When they talk about d claws on stream its always their own personal opinion that "they are OP", but A LOT of players suggest them..

Getting dropped in under 3 second response time is totally not OP. -_-

18-Mar-2014 19:41:20

Dec Member 2019


Posts: 366 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As many other people here has suggested, i too love to see the dragonplatebody in the game, but not as just another drop from a new boss.

make it more quest related just like in WGS from rs3, and maybe as a twist for completing the new quest, give the player 30 minutes time of 150% extra chance of getting a 1/3rd piece for the new DPB, once the player has all 3 pieces, he has to pay Oziach (or any other npc) quite a sum of money to "weld" the pieces together.

alternative to adding the 3 pieces together, go to lava dragons, and using your slayerskill and hunter skill to 'ride' the lava dragon and using its firebreath to fuse the pieces together. this would increase the amount of pkers to lava dragons and kind of keep the DPB a ''rare'' ocassion since very few people would actually want to risk that kind of treasure that deep in the wilderniss. but then again, if someone isnt skulled and only has those 3 items, it wouldnt be a problem to die since he/she would keep it on death.

to get back on-topic, i'd vote YES on pretty much everything, some with slight adjustments and some the way they were proposed. and ofcourse the way you guys are going to implement DPB in the game.

i really hope you take my ideas for the DPB seriously as i think this would be very nice and much appreciated by many questers and pkers :)

18-Mar-2014 19:41:39

Sep Member 2007


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My feedback:


The ring/glory charge is a great idea and I really think it should be implemented but I'm not sure that would fix some of the problems with the fountain. Unless the fountain of rune automatically skulls you and drains your prayer to 0 when you are near it (or when you use it) the glory/wealth charge won't bring much risk into the wild as people can just bring their ring and some food.

Move the fountain to a location clans use for warring or make a few fountains that do different things and place them all over the wilderness. Maybe one that changes your spellbook? All could still have the ability to allow you to cast without runes though.

PvP armors:

Make the melee one spikey like barrows! The pvp armors on Rs3 were mad ugly for such great stats lol. I know Reach and Ash could do better!

I would suggest a black splitbark top trimmed with gray, legs to match, white shoulder spikes, and a black tyras helm with head spikes coming from the sides and instead of having the red/orange* feather top, color that white as well.

That is all for me. Good work.
pride! QFC: Here

18-Mar-2014 19:47:36

Diane Meyer

Diane Meyer

Posts: 856 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Dragon Platebody seems cool, but I'd prefer it not have the original graphics. I think it would be more Oldschool to make it a regular red platebody with spikes on the shoulder pads or somethin along that idea.

I agree. Much more class and old school style.

18-Mar-2014 19:47:58

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