I babysat the trees for hours and they finally grew a little, then three died after I logged out even though they appeared fine the last time I checked them. I had pruned one to cure it from disease before I logged out. I really don't want to have to wait another two days for the three I had to replant to grow, and then have them possibly die again.
This also is making me not want to do the event on my other characters as I had planned, because its too time consuming and frustrating, especially for a player who doesn't play OSRS much but plays RS3 mostly.
The grass finally grew but I had to buy cure plant potion and wait a lot of extra time for one of them to grow.
An event meant to make you want to help animals shouldn't leave you with negative feelings because of the event being frustrating and too time consuming to do.
29-Jul-2015 05:58:41