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1) Hybrid Enhancement: can be used with two different types of combat potions (i.e. Super Attack and Super Strength) to combine their effects into a hybrid potion of equal dosage.
2) Timer Enhancement: can be used with any timed potion (i.e. Super Antipoison, Antifire). Increases the duration of effect of these potions by 50%.
3) Restoration Enhancement: can be used with any restore-type potion (i.e. Prayer Potion, Super Restore). Increases the magnitude of the potion's effects by 25%.
Each enhancement is untradable, can be banked, and can only be used on the four-dose potion(s) in the player's inventory. Using the enhancement requires the level to make the original potion(s) and gives half the experience of making the original potion (i.e. an Enhanced Prayer potion would require 38 Herblore and give (82.5/2) xp). Once it has been used it disappears, and the resulting potion will be untradable.
This event could take place in a large, grassy area (such as the space east of edgeville, north of varrock west bank), happening every four hours or so, on the hour (similar to warbands).
Thanks for your consideration of our content and feel free to respond with any questions,
Brett Chaps
Master Chap
I like the idea in dev blog more, and better potions is a hot topic so did you think maybe someone else submitted a potion enhancement idea and its not yours?
Maxed Sept 24th, 2015 - 134th to max
27-Feb-2014 16:53:50