Goji Fruit
What will be Mod Maz's next project?
Mod Maz has also been working on the f keys interface, which will allow you to alter which tab an f key opens. This should hopefully be out in the next couple of weeks
Twitter: @JagexKiere*
16-Jul-2015 15:39:51
- Last edited on
16-Jul-2015 15:40:13
Mod Kieren
Mod Kieren
Goji Fruit
What will be Mod Maz's next project?
Mod Maz has also been working on the * keys interface, which will allow you to alter which tab an f key opens. This should hopefully be out in the next couple of weeks
Yay, glad we are finally getting that.
Maz is cool. She's been doing updates I've wanted for ages. Ash better watch out, he's gonna have some hot competition for best OSRS developer at this rate..
Can you make it so that we can change between versions of the achievement diary gear?
With a fair bit of rewriting, that could be made possible.
Remember, we'd have to postpone other popular updates (e.g. the Slayer stuff that people are already getting impatient for) if we were to spend time on that right now, so you'll understand if I don't rush straight off and do it.
Does this mean we should not expect resolutions to uncompleted quest lines, or alternate endings? or will in-progress quest lines simply not be the priority?
Suppose we tried to finish the Red Axe storyline in OSRS. Either we'd be copying quests like
Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf
from RS3, which we've kinda ruled out, or we'd be writing a different Red Axe story that contradicts RuneScape's lore. Neither feels like a good move.
So we'd most likely work with different characters and tell new stories for OSRS that don't conflict with established RuneScape lore.
Probably not related to todays update but do you know what causes this: If I play rs on regular screen (not rezisable) my game lags 24/7 but if i turn on rezisable full-screen the game runs smoothly and theres 0 lag (I dont want to play with full-screen)
It has been like that since last weeks update.
That is very strange. I'm afraid off the top of my head I don't know, and I've never heard of that before.