I think everything is ok, but some things are better. I have 3 suggestions:
The first is to change the sizes of the safe areas. Some areas don't need as large of safe areas because they are less noob friendly. For example, Yanille, Tree Gnome Stronghold, Fremenik Isles, Port Phasmatys, Sophanem, and Void Knight's Outpost (I think that is all the places) should have small safe areas. In other words they should have only their banks as safe areas. If they don't have banks then there should be a designated area in those cities.
Included in this point is that the starting area should actually be larger in my mind. I think all of lumbridge and varrock and the areas between them should be safe. This means that the further you get away from the starting area, the less safe you are.
My second point is related to this. Like how you can fight higher levels the further you are from the wilderness ditch, there should be a similar system for being further from lumbridge/varrock for how high of levels you can fight. I don't think the levels should be very much higher than 15-25 levels above you.
The last thing I'd like to suggest is how to take from banks/deaths. When someone dies, all of their items go into their banks. The player who dies should not be able to search their banks until the person who killed them has looted their bank or until 5 minutes have gone by. The person who was skulled should be allowed into safe areas if they have a looting key, but not in any other circumstance. The looter should be able to loot only in noted take all form which means they would take all of the item(s) in a stack. Only 10 items should be allowed to be taken. This would make the worn equipment less tempting then possibly 1k willow logs if you needed to train fletching for example.
09-Jul-2015 17:49:52