In this week's Old School update we've got a change to clue scrolls that allows you to have one of each tier as well as the midsummer event!
Multiple clue scrolls
Previously, you were unable to receive clue scroll drops if you already had one in your inventory or bank and it was not possible to complete two clue scrolls at once. This is no longer the case. You will now be able to have up to one clue scroll of each tier and will be able to complete clue scrolls of different tiers simultaneously.

Midsummer 2015

Kaqemeex is, once again, having some trouble with the ritual to protect nature from evil spirits. As he can't leave the ritual unattended, he needs your help to pay an old friend of his to get some help.

The midsummer ritual and event will begin tomorrow. Make sure to head over to Kaqemeex in Taverly tomorrow to give him a helping hand.
You can return each day for two weeks to help Kaqemeex and be rewarded with half full wine jugs, disks of returning and the brand new mask of balance. You'll also be able to unlock the druidic wreath received from the event last year.
In other news...
• Degraded barrows equipment, mage arena capes and achievement diary reward items are now also protected on death, outside of PvP, in line with other untradeable items.
• Relocated the pyramid plunder timer in resizable mode.
• The chatbox is now correctly opaque after closing the text-input box.
• Fixed right-aligned and/or invisible username bug in chatbox.
• Fixed a stretching issue with void robes and dragonhide chaps whilst using Zulandra teleport.
• Fixed a click-through issue with the minigame chat-channel drop down menu.
• The increased herb yields from Catherby herb patch and better chances at higher ores when cleaning pay-dirt diary rewards are now correctly being applied.
Mods Alfred, Archie, Ash, Day, Ghost, Ian, John C, Krista, Mat K, Maz, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team

18-Jun-2015 10:08:08 - Last edited on 18-Jun-2015 10:36:25 by Mod Ronan