sweet ty guys will you guys ever poll resting but without all the singers .
can we ever get a off swich for the saradomin blessed sword and tentacle whip so we can keep the looks of the weapons without brakeing them tell we charge it up agen charge would take like 5mins .can you poll gold trim d boots and safe free for all pvp worlds with random incounter npc* that be cool to see
Cant you make the quick hopping so it wont use the Login Server? Just transfer the account from one server to another without doing the authentication?
It is kinda annoying to do deep wildy pking like this, there are too many worlds and it is hard to find people without being able to switch worlds fast.
- imo Mod Maz should be added to the mod list since she is temporarily working with the Oldschool Team!
- a pin reminder when using the ingame quickhop would be truly amazing, hopefully that's possible!
- Can the cooldown for worldhopping be nulified so that we can hop without the fear of 'incorrect login attempts'? -> this will help with finding worlds to do Slayer and with skilling methods such as Dorg Chests thieving.
Taken from Ash's twitter:
Original message details are unavailable.
Regarding the new worldswitcher, it won't keep your PIN unlocked. I'd like the engine updated to check your IP before offering that. Sorry.
21-May-2015 11:15:44
- Last edited on
21-May-2015 11:19:03
Any news on Kree'arra's magic/melee attacks going against ranged def?
We've not touched it so far. I'd be inclined to poll such a change anyway.
It's not uncommon for monsters to roll their melee attacks against your magic defence - many Slayer monsters do it - so it's not necessarily a bug that Kree'arra was programmed to roll its magic attack against your ranged defence.
Not Winnetou
Cant you make the quick hopping so it wont use the Login Server? Just transfer the account from one server to another without doing the authentication?
Roughly speaking, that's what it does. That's why it's able to hop more often than the login system allows when you're not using our worldswitcher.
Can you make the world switcher stay scrolled where you were when you relogin? currently when you login it scrolls back to the top each time.
The client's currently wiping its record of that sort of thing when you relog. Which also applies when you hop. Ian could give us the ability to cache the scroll position across sessions, perhaps, though I've asked him to finish resizable mode before delivering any more engine features for other things.
Alternatively, I could try and hack it to scroll to a position on the list that shows the world to which you just hopped, since that'd be close to your previous scroll position.
Not Winnetou
Cant you make the quick hopping so it wont use the Login Server? Just transfer the account from one server to another without doing the authentication?
Roughly speaking, that's what it does. That's why it's able to hop more often than the login system allows when you're not using our worldswitcher.
I just tested it, its not true.
With the in-game hopper it lets me hop 2 worlds then gives me the "Please wait a bit longer before switching worlds again." message for like 2 minutes.
Meanwhile with client hopper I can hop like 10-15 worlds untill I get kicked out of the game and get the "Too many login attempts" message.