First of all, thank you for working on the DDOSes.
On Splashing: this is a way for players to avoid having to spend too much time and money training magic, which has little, if any, cost effective use that garners any significant xp an hour, and requires for players to train it to very high levels for it to be useful in PvP, that does not affect other players in any significant way. Saying that someone should not be able to splash is essentially the same as saying someone should not be able to powermine. These two things both give more experience to the player, cost them money, and have little to no effect on the economy.
On Zulrah and Wyvern*: Zulrah's drops are certainly too generous. In 2007, runescape was a game in which making money was difficult, and skilling was a viable alternative to PvM with regards to profit/hour. With Zulrah and all the new bosses, that is no longer the case. Higher leveled players can make far too much money too easily.
On Negative Behavior: Obviously removing bots, bug abusers, and other players who break rules and negatively effect other players is a good thing. However, there is also a major issue of "negative behaviors" in the wilderness. As you know, PvP combat in Runescape does not work if both players don't follow some implied code of conduct (i.e. not spec and running, eating to full hp, farcasting, etc.). The current bounty hunter system provides many incentives for such behavior. Two players can attack one of their targets at the same time with dark bows, they gain advantage by camping out with their friends in the deep wilderness, looters can demand payment in return for a free tier upgrade, players cannot fight non-targets, because their target will likely pj them, etc. And many pkers, especially lower levels, PvP worlds are not decent alternatives because many rushers take advantage of being able to attack players up to 15 levels lower, and there is an overall lack of respect for other players.
20-May-2015 18:25:51