Doesn't affect me, but people voting no on the defence XP on the boss heads just seems really petty to me.
Yes jagex shouldn't cater to pures, if we'd been voting on returning to ape atoll without def XP or something big like that then I'd understand, but the combat XP that mounting these heads give is pointless. No-one knew or cared that they gave 200xp until some guy mounted one on a pure and got def levels recently (this only happened recently because it is a crazy achievement at 1 def).
If someone manages to get these heads on an account with 1 defence, they should be able to put it up in their house, especially since it gives no bonus whatsoever, they're completely aesthetic people!
Just because you dislike pures doesn't mean you should be petty, if all the pures started voting no on quality of life updates that were directed towards skill or PVM activities just because it wouldn't affect them or they dislike mains/PVM/whatever, then the game misses quality improvements.
14-May-2015 19:40:29