Is nice to finally be offered a world hopper without having to download a 3rd party client. That said if it fails to pass the poll I would expect Jagex to make using a 3rd party client with a world hopper a banable offence.
No to the farming updates minus the Lep noting the weeds. Roots should be notable too but that's just my opinion.
For everyone hating upon 1 defence pures wanting to mount their spoils without ruining their accounts, please go back into your holes.. Whilst it is easy to bash them for restricting themselves, do they not get to show off their hard earned rewards in the same way as you and me? Used to love my 1 defence/prayer skiller, only used to pvp in minigames and would have carried on till restricted trading came along.
Am a bit concerned about dagannoth kings. Whilst having a second non instanced room would be ideal for some, with the ease most people kill them part of the challenge is to find and keep a world. You will always have asshats coming in to steal your world regardless as to whether there are any empty or not, "I have done half of my task on this world 3 hours ago and I want to finish it now on this world" will always be about and is one of the biggest issues I have come across there. To justify another world and potentially double the items coming in to the game for the rest of eternity, I propose at least a 5m payment similar to the edgeville spawn which is costly for such a little thing. You could even add a monthly top up fee of 500k to ensure it becomes a proper sink. For those that kill dagannoth kings for months on end such a fee is nothing.
I have no issues with the duel arena but then I do not use it. Would be nice to not have to vote either way.
Being able to get more than 1 of each clue would be nice
I would vote yes on ROTG (i) IF you could think of anywhere other than a broken minigame to get it from. I would also like to know if it stacks with holy wrench.
09-May-2015 18:34:17