One of the most highly anticipated updates ever to be proposed for Old School RuneScape, resizable mode, is set to be polled this Thursday. We'll also be including shared slayer tasks, a seercull buff and lots, lots more.
Resizable Mode
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Resizable mode is something that has been asked for by many Old School players for quite some time. Late last year, Mod Jacmob spent some time working on giving us the engine capabilities to make resizable mode a reality in Old School and we are now looking to deliver that update.
Old School RuneScape is currently fixed to one size. Resizable mode would allow the Old School game client to be expanded to fit the size of any window, giving you the option to make the game the size that best suits you.

It is worth noting that resizable mode does not allow players to see further into the distance. When using resizable mode, the distance at which players are visible will remain the same.
Resizable mode will have a new interface that will adapt to the size of the client. At this point we do not yet know exactly what this interface will look like, however we will be doing all we can to use existing elements from Old School to carry over the Old School feel to resizable. We will be providing screenshots of resizable mode and the interface throughout development.
In the future it will be possible for us to create new, different interfaces for resizable mode but, for now, we do not want to delay the release of resizable mode to create more styles of interfaces.
Of course, resizable mode will be toggleable . If you wish to continue playing with the same gameframe that you always have in Old School, you can simply choose to not enable resizable mode.
Question : Should we add resizable mode to Old School RuneScape? A toggle would be available to turn resizable mode on or off.
Slayer Partners
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Slayer is the favourite skill of many Old School RuneScape players but it has never been something that is easy to enjoy with your friends. We would like to offer the ability to partner up with a player so you both receive the same slayer task.

Note : While you will be assigned the same slayer task, your tasks will be independent of each other. If a player has a task blocked and their partner receives it as a task, they will simply not be assigned a slayer task.
It will only be possible to share a slayer task if both you and your chosen partner are on the same world. Only slayer masters that you both have the requirements to use will be able to give you a shared task.
Question : Should we add the ability to pair up with another player, allowing you both to receive the same slayer task from a slayer master?
Tanzanite & Magma Serpentine Helms
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The boss that is the source of the helmet, Zulrah, has three different appearances. Rotating between ranged, melee and magic, Zulrah changes appearance with each change of attack style. A common request has been to allow players to choose between three different appearances of the serpentine helm with each appearance resembling a different phase of Zulrah.
After seeing many requests for this, Mod Ghost got to work and has created two alternative styles of the serpentine helm. One resembling the tanzanite phase of Zulrah and one resembling the magma phase.

These two helmets will have the exact same stats and effects as the serpentine helm. They will only be different visually.
The helmets would be created by using tanzanite mutagen or magma mutagen which will be dropped by Zulrah. Tanzanite mutagen and magma mutagen are consumed in this process and cannot be retrieved.
Question : Should Zulrah drop tanzanite and magma mutagens, used to change the appearance of the serpentine helm to match the tanzanite and magma phases of Zulrah? This would not change the stats of effects of the serpentine helm.
Achievement Diary animations
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In addition to making the lovely new serpentine helms, Mod Ghost has created some new animations for a few spells introduced with Achievement Diaries.
The new Lunar spells, tan leather and recharge dragonstone, are currently using recycled animations. Mod Ghost has made some brand new, unique animations for these spells.
He has also created an animation for the Fountain of Rune teleport that is unlocked after completing the hard wilderness achievement diary.

Question : Should the spells Tan Leather and Recharge Dragonstone be given new, unique cast animations?
Question : Should the teleport to the Fountain of Rune, unlocked with the hard wilderness achievement diary, be given a new, unique animation?
Other poll questions
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Question : After completing the medium Varrock diary, should you be able to toggle your Varrock teleport location to just south of the Grand Exchange?
Question : Should the crystal halberd be given the same special attack as the Dragon Halberd? This special attack consumes 30% special attack energy, hitting enemies larger than 1x1 twice and hitting enemies beside the target.
Question : Should you be able to place permanent ropes on the KQ lair after completing the Elite Desert diary?
Question : Should the Bandos Godsword special attack only consume 65% special attack energy, rather than the current 100%, to improve its viability?
Question : Should Oziach’s store sell anti-dragon shields? This store would only be accessible after the completion of Dragon Slayer.
Question : Should alchemy spells cast at the Fountain of Rune alch two items if they're stackable? Casting spells at the Fountain of Rune does not grant any experience.
Question : Should the female Armadyl helm be made more similar to the male helm? [Image]
Question : Should redirected house teleport tablets have letters added to their inventory models to represent the destination?
Question : Should a left click 'Smith' option be added to anvils?
Question : Should a coloured message appear in the chatbox to make it clearer when you have been teleblocked?
Question : Should the alchemy and drop warnings on items use the Grand Exchange value of an item rather than the alchemy value?
Question : Should the deposit box found at Barbarian Assault be turned into a bank chest?
Question : Should demi-bosses be added to the boss log?
Question : Should a 'Do not ask me again' option be added to the warning when entering the Wyvern cave?
Question : Should it be made possible to get multiple bear heads at a time?
Question : Should monsters in wilderness levels below 5 be moved further north to prevent them interrupting PvP combat?
Question : Should the ability to use fairy rings without a lunar or dramen staff be added to the rewards for the Elite Lumbridge & Draynor diary?
Mods Archie, Ash, Ghost, Ian, John C, Mat K, Reach, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team

14-Apr-2015 15:22:59 - Last edited on 15-Apr-2015 11:45:57 by Mod Ronan