Great Update Team!
, I'm proud of the work that everybody has been putting in down at Jagex HQ and im consistently impressed with the speed and quality of your updates despite carrying the burdan of only having a small team. I recently made a skiller (Named 'Tan Hide') with the sole purpose of motherlode mining, 4 days later what do you know- Motherlode mine update. I couldn't be happier with the brilliant job you've done and when i finally hit that 72 mining I'm sure I'll have some more fun (Not having to hop every 5 seconds). It would be nice if there was an untradable pickaxe (Maybe similar to inferno Adze) with a passive effect of having a chance of giving you double ore, this should need at least 71/81 to weild and could maybe even be a 'Crystal Pickaxe' and could be aquired as a high level Motherlode Mine reward or possibly could even have a quest tied to motherlode mine to give it a bit more purpose and relevency, helping it link to the rest of the map and story. I think this would help draw more people in to a) The motherlode mine and b) the wilderness mining camps such as the hobgoblin camp and Wilderness resource area, providing a valueble money sink and making mining more beneficial if you're actually willing to risk your but in the wilderness. I was also thinking that you could possibly add items such as "Mithril ore bag" etc etc. At a
High price and could be bought using nuggets.
In terms of the dragon claw update, I actually fell for it for a minute! Good job, will be hard to top next year!
I would also really like to see improvements to firemaking at some point because since the beginning of runescape it's always been that skill that's just sort of been there for the sake of cooking fish on tutorial island, and then you hardly benefit from it. Maybe A new set of firelighters could change this, or maybe you could heat up your swords before battle to deal slightly more damage at the cost of burning yourself e,g ring of recoil
09-Apr-2015 10:28:11