Hey there thank you for the great update I am loving the new areas currently at 21.3m mining xp I have in the past posted a thread though about the messages that pops up in the game letting you know when the sack is full I am not sure about how others feel but sometimes I miss reading the message and then have to drop all my dirt just to grab ores from the bag deposit them into the bank and then re pick up my dirt and clean it this is pretty annoying after countless times of repeating the process I was suggesting that if there was a way to change the display of the message into the top part of the screen so that it is more visible to people making them more aware when the sack it just about full this would be really helpful and save time and if anyone likes this idea instead of a message it could be like sack 1/3, 2,3 or 3/3 Parts Full thank you for taking the time to read this - Grey Cape
22-Apr-2015 22:27:56