I don't agree when people say this should be polled. What was demoed today is EXACTLY what OSRS needs right now. There should be absolutely no way for "purists" who are against all types of changes to be able to derail this
engine update.
GREAT work and I look forward to this "fullscreen" mode!
Lewis Shoot
Resizeable will be a wonderful update however I hope you remember that you are yet to poll it and as such you should not be talking about "When you release it" but you should be talking about "When you will poll it".
After it passes its poll I have no issues with it being talked about like this but for now please remember it is yet to be polled.
Why would they poll something 100% toggleable? Relax
I don't agree when people say this should be polled. What was demoed today is EXACTLY what OSRS needs right now. There should be absolutely no way for "purists" who are against all types of changes to be able to derail this
engine update.
GREAT work and I look forward to this "fullscreen" mode!
I'm all for full screen but your reasoning is off. Your opinion of what oldschool "needs" may be totally different from someone else's. Im gonna say you're probably a liberal.
Wake dH
Remember guys, the more we want jagex to do, the more work they have to do. The more people that come back to 07, the more developers they give us. The more developers we have, the faster things get done. Not to mention, the reason membership is $9.49 or whatever it is now is because we're losing players every day. Vote yes on something you don't disagree with, but rather think will make an impact on the amount of players or editing that goes into old school. Think about the future of this game. Everything comes to an end, and I personally would like to see this game grow; even in its old school stages. We have shown it's possible, now let's show Jagex that we're here to stay and would like a larger development team! We get a few players, we lose a lot, vote for the good of the game!
The good of the game is what paying members want, not what a few people think everyone that plays MMOs want. The polls aren't to make new people happy, but to make the community happy. What makes the majority happy will most likely make the majority of non members happy. No one should vote for something, or feel like voting for something, they don't want.
Lewis Shoot
Resizeable will be a wonderful update however I hope you remember that you are yet to poll it and as such you should not be talking about "When you release it" but you should be talking about "When you will poll it".
After it passes its poll I have no issues with it being talked about like this but for now please remember it is yet to be polled.
While I know others, such as yourself will disagree with what I'm about to say, I feel that updates which can be toggled on and off and have absolutely no effect on other players other than yourself shouldn't
to be polled.