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@PID: Yeah I figured as much, I've seen alot of people complain about it though and I can imagine how annoying it would be in 1v1 situations. I don't think people expect to go back to the old system based on IP, but wouldn't making your pid not randomize while in combat kind of fix it? and I don't think it would be too hard to do
The problem is that your pid keeps changing mid combat, not that it's randomized, so this should somewhat fix it while keeping it randomized still shouldn't it?
If (player isin combat) { do nothing }
else {
randomize pid code goes here
Rough code obviously, but I hope this helps makes sense what I'm trying to say
Tommi is right though, two people could die at the same time and your hitsplats would both appear at the same time. If this is possible to do again it would obviously be a much better option.
@Right click equip in bank:
Yeah I think I posted about it a few weeks ago, aswell as at the start of OSRS but haven't seen many other people bring it up. Would be really helpful to have imo.
That same update let you eat food while the bank interface was open on RS3 I believe, so that would be helpful too.
Was that one of your updates to the main game btw? you said you were glad I liked it so I assume so.. if so I swear it seems like every single good update on the main game was done by you lol