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You are a ******* idiot. if you honestly think a majority of people would rather sit around and spam selling and buying **** for hours instead of just putting something up and instantly getting payed for your item or instantly being able to buy what you want, then you needa have your brain checked. You don't need a statistic to evaluate human nature, especially when you have years of experience dealing with people. Now take your useless comment somewhere else
Well it sounds as if what you're saying is that human nature dictates that we would want to make buying and selling easier and less time consuming. However this is the exact opposite of what the community has been seeking so far in OSRS. Many refuse to turn this into "Easyscape". The fact is, easy games get boring fast. When you have to work for something, you feel more satisfied when achieving that goal. Having to spend more time on something keeps you interested longer. I think these are some of the main reasons many can't stomach RS3 (amongst other equally valid reasons).
The extremely aggressive tone of your comments makes this seem like it's a very personal vendetta you have. Not a "plight of the community". If I'm wrong on that, I apologize, but either way it doesn't help your case.
08-Feb-2014 04:24:04