Az Balmung
Why do so many people not want the chocolate bunny pet? You'd think everyone would jump at the chance of getting another pet.
And yeah, you'd think.
the f2p clan war is useless that no one plays because the location is too far for players.
jagex need to set a minigame portal in lumby, also set one theme world only, dont let the players too spread and lost the fun.
moreover, set a partyroom in varrok, the one in falador is with the same problem, too far.
when can get back the connection with the game site miniclip and other forums to attract more new players come play old school? it is very important for rs
jagex ,please reply players' suggestions
You sound incredibly lazy.
I don't see why everyone is against a new pet, it isn't going to devalue any other pet, you already have cats, do they devalue the other pets? No, the whole argument against new pets is redundant, at least the argument I've seen.