Fighter legs is both a good and a bad idea.
It's good because it offers an alternative to the bandos tassets, it's bad because there's already a leg reward from the minigame. The legs, much like the fighter's torso, would replace just about every other piece of armour of that slot that isn't bandos. If you want to add rewards to barbarian assault, consider copying the fighter's torso and adding a magic and ranged equivalent.
I personally believe the idea to use points from multiple mini-games for a single reward is a grand idea. It gives a reason to go to every single one of them. As for rewards, those listed are all great ideas. I would also like to see something similar to Rs3's minigame hybrid armour. Say, for example, you use points from all of the minigames to upgrade your current void armour into a newer set, with the 3 helmets being combined? It would be no comparison to the raw power of armadyl and bandos, but it would give you a set that fits any situation.
As for vanity, which is a popular topic in this thread, I personally think OSRS needs more hats. Minigames would be an excellent place to add them, too. You could add vanity sets that are sold piece by piece from different minigames to encourage playing more than one for a set people want.
As for the questions asked in the OP, I'd answer yes to a majority. I, however, do not think adding bandages with their same functionality outside of castle wars is a good idea. Their spammy nature and all of the extra effects that come with them would effectively replace almost every food ever.
Removing the defense level requirement for splitbark is a confusing proposition, seeing as it is a defensive set. If you wish to revive it, add more variations - make it upgradable into higher leveled, defensive magic armour.
And finally, making the zamorak spear 1h with its current stats would be absurd. I think there should be both a 1h and 2h(perhaps expanding all spears to have both, introducing new variety).
18-Dec-2013 15:17:29