I'm a little concerned with some of these updates, I don't want OSRS to turn into easy-scape, that being said here are some of my opinions:
I love the idea of matchmaking and I think said mini-game should stay paired with its current themed world partner, for example CW Match making would direct people to world 334.
Regarding the Augury and Rigour prayers, I believe they should be purchased separately.
I like the idea of being able to 'upgrade' a whip into a un-tradable and degradable form, not to keen on the coloring though. I don't want them to be massively OP.
In regards to PvP worlds, I think there does need to be an added 'reward system' in place, with higher rewards or point gains for 'high risk' worlds.
Also, regarding High Risk PvP worlds I would like to see un-tradables disappear upon death, to make it truly 'high risk'.
If you want to add a range and magic armor for inside the Castle Wars, I'm cool with that, but if you're going to make it 'work' outside CW, please consider its stats and attainability carefully.
I think 'buffs' inside the Castle Wars are a good idea.
I'm not too keen on the whole 'free runes' idea in Castle Wars.
I like the idea of kills-to-tickets and flag-captures-to-tickets.
I like the idea of being able to use the egg launcher in Barb Assault while in combat, It's very annoying being hit every second.
I'm OK with fighter legs so long as they don't de-valuate Rune legs and Bandos Tassets. No one uses rune platebodys while pking and if you look at the price comparison between Bandos Tassets and Chestplate, that is all because of the strength bonus.
I think split bark should keep its defense requirement.
I don't think Armadyl Armour should have its death drop value changed (if you must change it, please change it to match bandos), I however feel as the Armadyl Crossbow should have its alch price increased.
I'd love to see Dark Mage and Nieve added to NPC contact.
I don't want to see QTY of shop sells changed.
14-Dec-2013 06:46:12