No Grand Exchange because it will bring a large number of goldfarmers into the game who can then easily dump their items, muscling out player gathered items that will be devalued as a result. A lot of the original people who voted for oldschool to come back, were hoping for a version as far back as 2006, it seems the recent influx of people from RS3 who have never played without a GE are becoming a vocal minority. Especially PVM prod clans from 2012, which will greatly devalue the best equipment in the game, making PVM less profitable. There's also the factor of merchant clans hustling the relatively low number of resources that would be available in the grand exchange (compared to RS3) as we have not yet had a huge goldfarmer presence.
The best outcome would be an updated trading post that allowed direct trades to players, which would alleviate all of these problems whilst speeding up the current process of buying and selling.
Question: Should we increase the number of available bank slots for both free-to-play and members by 200?
Question: Should we remove the 'Harpoon' option on the fishing spots found in Piscatoris?
Yes if there are no harpoonable fish there.
Question: Should we make messages from players that you add to your ignore list disappear?
Question: Should saplings of tradeable seeds be made tradeable?
No, this will just create a greater avenue of profitably in farming, further decreasing the stock of herb seeds.
Question: Should we allow Ava's devices to retrieve ammo regardless of where it landed? Currently they cannot collect ammo from anywhere you cannot directly walk to.
No, this makes ranged too easy to train.
Question: Should filtering public chat also filter chat seen over other players' heads?
Question: Should we append the names of the Recipe for Disaster gloves to include the level they represent? For example, rune gloves.
13-Jan-2015 05:51:16