please vote no everyone please. if GE comes out i'm quiting again. WHAT IS THE POINT OF 07 IF GE EXISTS. how about we think of better solutions to impliment. i got an idea that would solve everything!!!
instead of having the grand exchange how about you make a classic style auction house!! it's the best of both sides. being able to leave your items in auction house create your own prices, and see real time offers. say no to GE !!! yes to AH!!
just buds
please vote no everyone please. if GE comes out i'm quiting again. WHAT IS THE POINT OF 07 IF GE EXISTS. how about we think of better solutions to impliment. i got an idea that would solve everything!!!
instead of having the grand exchange how about you make a classic style auction house!! it's the best of both sides. being able to leave your items in auction house create your own prices, and see real time offers. say no to GE !!! yes to AH!!
Since G.E was in 2007?
The G.E won't work for osrs because when it was released there was over 200k player online and some items had only couple sellers. nowadays theres 7-25k players and you won't be able to buy some items that u need for quest like fishbowl. Just don't let people post offers on trading post and it would be perfect.
So if you can't find low supply items on GE, you think you will find them on trade post? NO. Say YES to GE.
Although I'd be perfectly happy with an updated and improved tradingpost (like no off-line offers showing, automated trading & buy offers), I also wouldn't mind a GE, so I'll probably be voting in favour.
That said:
I'd just love it if we didn't get a centralised GE (if we do after all I'd vote for Fally
), but I'd much more prefer it if the trading posts we have in banks throughout RS now were changed into GE-desks.
Not only could you then access your trades from nearly everywhere in game, but the banks themselves would not be emptied either, which I saw as a major drawback from the earlier GE.
And as for being afraid of merchanting?
Oh yes, that may be possible through the GE.
I just hope that those players who are afraid of this only, will realise that it's happening without a GE as well, gosh, you've just got to check the price history curves of items at Zybez and you'll see it clearly.
Also, just check the offers on the tradingpost now: people offer their items at lower prices and higher prices all the time, isn't that merchanting then? I've seen things devaluate quickly; it's not the GE itself doing that.
Please don't blame the tools
I'm not sure if I really want the g.e. or not, but if it does pass, will you make the bankers just in the middle of the g.e., or in 4 sections like rs3? I would really prefer just in the middle if you do do it
vote yes and we would need old school bonds
Hey jagex you should turn bonds into a nft clarification bonds can be used for members est but also traded between players for items like party hats i mean your state trades pokemon cards so the excuses against it are as weak as the excuse for bonds in the first place at this price
Question: Should we introduce the Grand Exchange? The trading post would be removed and replaced with a Grand Exchange building north-west of Varrock. A 'Collect' option would also be added to every bank.
The Trading post works fantastic and the updates you suggested for it make it sound even better!
I just really don't want to see the merchanting clans again destroying the economy.
Question: If question 1 fails, should we update the Trading Post to hide offers from players who've set their private chat to Friends or Off?
Yes. This would be very beneficial.
Question: If question 1 fails, should the Trading Post let you click a player's offer to send them a trade request, allowing you to trade with them without meeting up? They would need to be in a bank on the same world as you.
Yes. This would allow people working on skills retain there presence in an area without having to jump to Varrock west every time they needed to make a sale.
Question: Should we add a basement to the Warriors' guild containing a bigger cyclops that has a chance of dropping dragon defenders? To access the basement you would need to show Kamfreena a rune defender to get a key. You would still need to pay the same token fee as you pay to access the cyclops on the top floor.
Question: Should we increase the number of available bank slots for both free-to-play and members by 200?
Yes. I cannot see how this would help an illegitimate player but I do see how a legit player could use this.
Question: Should we remove the 'Harpoon' option on the fishing spots found in Piscatoris?
Answer: N/A
Question: Should we make messages from players that you add to your ignore list disappear?
Yes, of course.
Question: Should saplings of tradeable seeds be made tradeable?
Question: Should we allow Ava's devices to retrieve ammo regardless of where it landed? Currently they cannot collect ammo from anywhere you cannot directly walk to.
No. Even as a pure range I do not think this would be right.
Question: Should filtering public chat also filter chat seen over other players' heads?
Question: Should we append the names of the Recipe for Disaster gloves to include the level they represent? For example, rune gloves.
Answer: N/A
Question: Should we adjust the inventory appearance of maple logs and staffs to prevent them being confused with yew logs and battlestaffs in trade screens?
Question: Should we add a right-click option to slayer masters to get an assignment?
Question: Should we open the north side of Varrock west bank to provide access to the agility shortcut?
Question: Should we add NPC* that unnote items for 5gp per item near certain general stores? These NPC* would be for the use of ultimate iron men as, although other players could then un-note their items without risk of other players taking them. 1 NPC* would be added to the Karamja general store, Rimmington, Pollnivneach and the Bandit camp.
Question: Should a deposit-all button be added to bank deposit boxes?
Question: Should we add a timer to the fight cave to tell you how long it took you to get from wave 1 to killing TzTok-Jad?
Question: Should we add a fee of 50k to the priestess who collects your dropped items at Zulrah? She will also be made to show what items of yours she is holding and offer you the chance to discard them if you do not want to pay.