Personally, I'm really tired of the begging to make things easier. The reason Jagex did EoC was because there were so many players saying that there was little 'End Game'. Making it easier to get there is not a good thing. Unless you want history to repeat itself.
I remember close to 400k players online on Friday nights, 300k+ was normal just before the creator of the game sold it to a corporation. Before it was sold there were almost no updates of any kind for over six months. Players were screaming for bug fixes.
G.E. maybe what other MMOR**'s use but does that make a difference? G.E. is like internet shopping instead of local merchants, we can see what that is doing to our economy.
In my humble opinion, the game was more fun before the Home Tele, PMods and G.E.
08-Jan-2015 17:16:31