Personally, I hanv't played around much with the new Trading Post, but have some feedback either way.
I am not a big fan of the "Turn it into the Grand Exchange" idea. This is more so because I feel there are better ways to go about trading that could potential remove some of the flaws of the grand exchange. I also dislike the idea of "Automatic trading"; it's not as bad as Grand Exchange but it would take a lot of the interactions out of trading.
I think my favorite idea is "Send Trade request through the post". This would make it a lot more convenient, while still needing world hops, and possibly cut down on lures as well. I do have a few concerns with this. Would the trade only be sent if both players were by a trading post? If not it could be abused to quickly transport items (e.g. send food to player at bosses). Also, would the trade say what it was for? If not, it may be confusing if you have multiple offers and get genetic trade requests. And lastly, would the item be stored in the trading post or would the player still be responsible for putting it in the trade? I kinda like idea of the item you're selling automatically being in the trade screen.
I am unsure on "Posting Buy offers" idea. It could just complicate the trading post and create more fake offers. But it could be helpful for when you need an item no one is selling.
I am neutral on the "Viewing the Trading Post from elsewhere" and "Don't list offers from people with Private off" ideas. Although I'd prefer the trading post be accessed through a button in one of the tabs, like options or logout, than an item or directly on gameframe.
And I love the idea for "Quick-hop". But instead of just limiting it to Friends, Chat, and Trades, it would be nice to see a World Hop menu. Maybe a new option on the logout screen that when clicked brings up a world list like from the login screen? I'd rather see that then work around methods using chats and trading post anyway.
12-Dec-2014 17:54:02